

How To Setup A LinkedIn Company Profile Page

LinkedIn is the biggest professional network in the world with over 200 million users, who are mainly affluent and skilled professionals. Some would say that of all the social networks, this is the only one used by serious professionals.

Tata Linkedin Company page

Most businesses will likely go for a Facebook business page due to the business-to-consumer setup of Facebook, its huge consumer user base. However you need to understand that LinkedIn users are also consumers, only difference is that most of them are likely to be professional.  In this article you will learn to Create LinkedIn Company Page, edit LinkedIn company page, LinkedIn business page insights and get LinkedIn company page tips.

A LinkedIn company page gives businesses the opportunity to promote your products, services, promote your vacancies, recruit talented individuals, share import company news, update your company followers with useful tips and information.

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page is simple; all you needs is a business name, business email address and create your free LinkedIn company page.

B2B Marketers love this, it’s the best tool we know out there for free, recruitment companies eat, live and sleep on it, and professionals find employment without running around like a headless chicken. LinkedIn is perfect for business-to-consumer companies as well as those who purely sell only to businesses.

LinkedIn Company Page Cover Image

Your business already has a Facebook page, so you understand how the banner images work to show case your company’s personality. In the past LinkedIn did not allow the customisation of the cover page, but now allows business to upload a photo, ensure the image is 646 x 220 pixels in size.

The new cover image will make your page look good and stand out from the crowd, so make sure the images gives a positive message about your business. Since the ‘company summary’ is hidden at the bottom of the company page, make sure to include a message in your cover photo that describes what you do as a business. Here are some great examples of how companies on LinkedIn are using this banner space.

Adobe LinkedIn company page banner cover image

Make Use of the Company Summary Section

On the top of your company home page you have the cover photo, careers, products and services, and company updates, however the ‘about us’ description of the company is right down in the bottom of the page. Not visible to visitors unless they scroll down to the bottom, it’s still one area of the company page that looks and feels boring, it is as plain text box area to provide information about the company. Make good use of that space by entering relevant keywords and terms, so people can find your LinkedIn Company Page when searching.

Add Products and Services

LinkedIn Company Pages have a products and services tab, where you can add a product or service, with description, images, and link to purchase them. Free sales and marketing opportunity within the LinkedIn in social network that every business should be taking advantage of. Use this section to highlight your key products and services and ensure your most important product or service is listed first, as the first item listed will appear as a featured content on the sidebar of you company page.

Advertise Your Vacancy

Adding your careers vacancies is not free on LinkedIn Company Pages but LinkedIn is the top network to find those great talents. If you do decide to advertise your vacancies on LinkedIn, then do list your jobs in the Careers tab of your company page.

Get Product And Service Reviews

Testimonials and reviews are powerful endorsements of your products and services from LinkedIn members. This feedback from LinkedIn users can be featured on you company profile page and you can share them on your website. To get people to write reviews about your service and product, you must ask them to do so, no one will write one without asking.

LinkedIn Company Updates

Prior to the launch of Targeted Status Updates, marketers had no way to tailor the content in their status updates to speci­fic types of company followers on LinkedIn. Audiences from different industries, job functions, geographies, and levels of seniority all received the same content. Company updates are great way to share industry wide news, insights, ask questions or post a special offer to your followers.

LinkedIn allows you to target your content by sharing with a specified target audience or all of your followers, based on the type of content you’re posting and who you want to target.

Now with Targeted Status Updates, marketers have an easy, proven way to engage company followers with content that’s relevant and personalised to their interests.

Targeting parameter include:

  • Company Size
  • Industry
  • Job Function
  • Seniority
  • Geography
  • Non-company Employees

Avoid copying and posting the same content on all your social networks, its best to filter the content. Remember these are busy professional people; consider each post on its merits and relevancy to your followers.

It’s a great tool to get messages and information out to the right people. Ensure you ask your employees follow your company and to re-share the posting to their networks and LinkedIn Groups.

Posting updates makes your page look useful and worth visiting, a page without content will not get many followers.

Performance Updates and LinkedIn Page Insights

You can get performance updates on you total followers, demographics; engagement levels roughly twenty fours after you post an update. You will notice a few metrics in grey under your post, showing the number of views, clicks, and engagement level.

The powerful new LinkedIn insights dashboard helps marketers better understand their follower demographics, growth rates, and status update interaction. These insights are invaluable for crafting a strategy to gain followers and optimise their engagement. Use this data to make better decisions on what to post and when.

Featured Content

LinkedIn allows you to pin one of your updates as featured content on your company page. It’s a great way to promote an event, special sale, make users aware of an offer or highlight content you want your followers to see. Have a look at this the perfect LinkedIn status update [INFOGRAPHIC].

LinkedIn Company Follow Button

Similar to twitter and other social networks, LinkedIn providers a follow button which you can put on your website so, users can follow your company right from within your website. Use the button to promote your LinkedIn business profile page.

SEO Benefits for Websites and Blogs

By posting on LinkedIn and updating your status you can direct traffic to your blog or website. Use this effectively to drive users back to your website.

What are your thoughts on LinkedIn for business? Leave your questions and comments in the box below.


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